- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra, Antonio C. Roque and Volker Steuber (2020). Binding of Filamentous Actin to CaMKII as Potential Regulation Mechanism of Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity by β CaMKII in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells. Sci Rep 10, 9019.
- Christopher Bartolo and Thiago M. Pinto (2015). Analysing Traffic Flow and Traffic Hotspots from Historic and Real-Time GPS Data. Journal of Communication and Computer, 12, 318-325.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra, Volker Steuber and Antonio C. Roque (2015). Unravelling how βCaMKII controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses. AIP Conf. Proc., 1702, 130002.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra, Volker Steuber and Antonio C. Roque (2015). The role of betaCaMKII in regulating bidirectional plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Proceedings of the 9th IBRO World Congress, P68.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Roseli S. Wedemann and Célia M. Cortez (2014). Modeling the electric potential across neuronal membranes: The effect of fixed charges on spinal ganglion neurons and neuroblastoma cells. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e96194.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra, Volker Steuber and Antonio C. Roque (2014). βCaMKII regulates bidirectional long-term plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism. BMC Neuroscience, 15, P58.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2013). Filamentous actin binding enables βCaMKII to regulate bidirectional plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells. BMC Neuroscience, 14, P375.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Roseli S. Wedemann and Célia M. Cortez (2013). The behavior of the electric potential across neuronal membranes of spinal ganglion and neuroblastoma cells. BMC Neuroscience, 14, P72.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2012). The effective calcium/calmodulin concentration determines the sensitivity of CaMKII to the frequency of calcium oscillations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7223, 131-135.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2012). Does CaMKII decode Ca2+ oscillations?, BMC Neuroscience, 13, O15.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2012). Modelling the role of βCaMKII in regulating bidirectional plasticity at parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6, 188.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Maria J. Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2012). CaMKII activation by Ca4-CaM does not depend on the actual frequency of oscillatory Ca2+ signals. FENS Forum Abstr, 75.29.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Roseli S. Wedemann and Célia M. Cortez (2011). A comparison of the electric potential through the membranes of ganglion neurons and neuroblastoma cells. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6792, 103-110.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Roseli S. Wedemann and Célia M. Cortez (2011). Computational modeling of the electric potential in biological membrane. A comparison between healthy and cancerous neurons. BMC Neuroscience, 12, P47.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Dilson Silva, Célia M. Cortez and Roseli S. Wedemann (2009). The potential profile across the neuronal membrane for resting and action states. Proceedings of the VII Iberoamerican Congress of Biophysics 2009, 7, 23.
- Thiago M. Pinto, Dilson Silva, Célia M. Cortez and Roseli S. Wedemann (2009). Modeling the electric profile of the neuronal membrane. Proceedings of the IX Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional - ERMAC 2009.