invited talks
- Unravelling how βCaMKII controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses (2015). Oral presentation at the 11th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering - ICCMSE 2015. Metropolitan Hotel, Athens, Greece.
- βCaMKII controls the direction of plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism (2014). Oral presentation at the I International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity - IWSYP'14. University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
- Binding of filamentous actin to betaCaMKII underlies bidirectional plasticity at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses (2014). Oral presentation at the XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC). Hotel Atlântico Búzios, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- βCaMKII regulates bidirectional long-term plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism (2014). Oral presentation at the 23rd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting - CNS*2014. Québec City Conference Center, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
- Biochemical modelling of intracellular signalling cascades and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum (2014). Invited talk at the International Workshop on Modelling Life Phenomena (FLS-LNCC). Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC), Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Modelagem computacional de vias de sinalização intracelular e o estudo de indução de plasticidade sináptica no cerebelo (2013). Invited talk to the Laboratory of Neural Systems (SisNe). Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
- Neurociências aplicadas à saúde (2013). Invited lecture to students of the Executive MBA in Health. Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- Modelagem computacional de vias de sinalização intracelular e indução de plasticidade sináptica no cerebelo (2013). Invited talk at the Ciclo de Palestras do Programa Avançado de Neurociências. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- Neurociência e Computação (2013). Invited talk at the Fórum de Excelência da Liderança Executiva na Saúde. Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- Does CaMKII decode Ca2+ oscillations? (2012). Oral presentation at the 21st Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting - CNS*2012. Agnes Scott College, Atlanta/Decatur, Georgia, United States of America.
- The effective calcium/calmodulin concentration determines the sensitivity of CaMKII to the frequency of calcium oscillations (2012). Oral presentation at the 9th International Conference on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues - IPCAT 2012. Trinity College, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Computational modelling of signal transduction pathways and synaptic plasticity in neurons (2012). Invited talk at the IME/UERJ Colloquium. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- Computational models of intracellular signalling and synaptic plasticity induction in neurons (2012). Invited talk at the Computer Science Research Colloquium. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Herts, United Kingdom.
- Modelling the role of betaCaMKII in regulating bidirectional plasticity at parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses (2012). Invited talk at the Neuroscience Seminar. Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Studying subcellular interactions between parallel fiber and climbing fiber signals and their relation to temporal sensitivity in cerebellar Purkinje cells (2010). Oral presentation at the III Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience - LASCON 2010. Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
- The potential profile across the neuron membrane for resting and action states (2009). Informal Seminar to the Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience. Bernstein Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.